i am usually a pretty content person.
i dont really mind the situations i find myself in. i can usually make do with just about anything.
but every once in awhile i go through a weird phase.
i start getting bored and anxious and antsy.
it doesnt matter if i love where i am. i always start to feel like my life is too stagnant.
that's how i have been feeling.
last time i felt like that, i signed up for americorps and moved to wyoming.
the time before that, i moved out of my parent's house and into a house in GR.
before that, i went to a college i had never heard of all by myself.

i have flight issues.
i like to jump into things without looking first.
i think its because i am spontaneous.
or that i want to experience stuff first hand.
i dont like being told to do things.
my mom says im stubborn (thats her saying it nicely).
but right now i think the reason i always get anxious/antsy/bored is because i dont want to miss out on what i can get out of life.
this sounds a little preachy, but seriously. would you rather hear about how beautiful the teton mountains are, or see them for yourself?
i think i want to say that ive lived in some of the coolest places in the world and met some of the coolest people in it.

too bad im poor.
so this is my life plan, are you ready to hear it?? its a doozie.
im going to write a book (naturally it will be a best seller)
make millions (or just enough that i dont have to work for a couple years)
travel around the country/world
basically become a nomad.
i like this plan


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