I'm a Baby

I am a complete baby.
I can't change, I've tried.
One example of my 'baby-ism' is what I did tonight.
I went and saw the movie "The Road" tonight with some friends. It wasn't really meant to be a scary movie, but I am a baby and was completely freaked out by it. Seriously, this 'post-apocalyptic' type of film scared me a bit. Well more than a bit, but anyway. So now I am freaked out, going back to my lonely apartment, in the woods, by myself....all alone. So yes, I ran from my car to my apartment. Yes, I locked my apartment door instantly. Yes, I closed all the blinds in my house. And yes, I immediately start watching the happiest movie within my reach.
Which happens to be Julie and Julia.
A movie about a blogger.
I now think I am going to be famous.
Now I can sleep well.
I'll probably dream about being eaten alive by mangie savages, all while blogging about it.
It's because I'm a baby.
A scared little baby.


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