I'm old

I think I have passed the prime of my life. I know that it is a sad thing to say, and hopefully wrong, but I still feel that way. There are some clues that this may be the case
Clue 1:
I have gone to bed at 8:30-9ish every night this week. And have actually fallen asleep. I am not supposed to be able to do that, but I can
Clue 2:
I pretty much would rather eat soup than any other food. Well other than peanut butter but I am not so sure you can consider peanut butter a food.
Clue 3:
Some of my friends have retirement plans. That doesn't mean that I have a retirement plan, but I still think it is weird that some of my friends have those. I plan on being irresponsible for as long as I can.
Clue 4:
Staying in and watching a movie sounds funner to me than going out....but only sometimes.
Clue 5:
I consider scrabble one of my hobbies, and reading...and word searches
Clue 6:
It takes me forever to wake up in the morning. I used to be a morning person, but I think that is all relative. I should say I was a morning person in the Staley family. Joe and Alli were both monsters until about 11 in the morning.
Clue 7:
I like to use the excuse 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks' in reference to myself. Like I have totally given up on cooking. And I really don't care.

I think that is enough evidence for right now. I hope I live past my 50th birthday but at this rate, I might not. I'm getting too old.


  1. dear Andrea:

    I, too, hope you live past the age of 50. It'll be tough, but I think you can do it.

    I do not have a retirement plan. But, I also do not have a job right now. Pretty depressing :)

    And, cheers to maintaining irresponsible actions for as long as possible!

    Also, I hope that I get to see you soon - what's 6 hours between friends, I mean, really. Annd, Sarah Adams has now moved to this area as well. by this area, I mean Denver-ish.

    That is all :)


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