LD father

I have written about every family member except one.

My dad.

I think I have not written about him before because, well frankly speaking, he is the most complicated person in my family.
And the funny thing about his complication is that it is completely intentional and unintentional at the same time.
See, I told you. Complicated.

I love my dad, he is quite possibly the best dad. Just don't tell him that. He LOVES hearing how awesome he is. I mean, I totally understand why. Who doesn't like to hear that they are cool and funny and awesome all the time?

You cannot tell my dad any of these things. Why? I'll tell you why.
He has this extremely annoying habit of reminding you of it. FOREVER.
You think I'm joking? I'm not.
He also LOVES LOVES LOVES repeating the same joke over and over and over and over.

We went on a trip out west when I was 13. We were all stuck in a green minivan for 3 weeks straight. Someone (I won't name names....Alli) laughed when dad exclaimed "HEY!" when we passed a field strewn with hay bails. We had to hear dad scream "HEY" for the rest of the trip. Not funny.

I like to compare my dad to Larry David.....because, well, my dad is exactly like Larry David.

There was an episode on 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' in which Mr. David tries opening some electronic device that is encased in that hard plastic stuff. He has some difficulty opening it and pretty much just ends up stabbing and screaming at the plastic. I think my dad has done that same thing. Actually I am pretty positive that he has.

It is pretty great living with an LD father (Larry David father for all you slow people out there). My dad can absolutely see through all the bullshit that people try to put up. He calls it being observant....I call it a gift from God. He can honestly judge a person's real character within minutes of meeting them, and be totally accurate. It's crazy.

One other story about my dad. I think many people can remember the first time they saw their parents as people and not just as their parents. The first time I saw my dad as just a regular guy was when I had to work with him. I had a summer job as a casual clerk at the post office my dad was working at. I always thought my dad was funny, but my entire family is funny, so being funny is irrelevant in my family. It's like having freckles, or being able to grow fingernails. We are all born with it. But working with my dad that summer, I saw him how others actually see him. He was "Butchy-The Rock-Star God". My dad was hands down the most popular guy at work. It was so weird. My dad was cool. I don't think I was ready for that. He would walk in everyday with his shades on, cup of coffee in hand, joking with all his buddies. Everyone was vying for "Butchy's" attention. It rocked for me. I was instantly accepted into the inner-sanction of coolness at the post office. There are some perks to being the kid of the cool guy.

Ok, ok. I realized I layed it on pretty thick telling you all how cool my dad is. I will be sure to never do it again. Don't want him to get too full of himself.
But every once in awhile, it's ok to let dad know he's cool. Get down with your bad self dad.

Love ya!


  1. Yes, your dad does sound pretty cool. I now picture him as a real individual. Thanks for posting the pictures so that I have a face to put with all the stories you tell about him. Rock on Butchy the rock star god!

  2. "HEY!"......it was funny....i'm still laughing
    ANDREA that was so good!.....haha I love our LD dad!

  3. i also really like the pics at the end.... perfect


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