My name is Andrea and I am a struggling 32 (nearly 33) year old woman. I am not married, have no children, no pets, and no real responsibilities. Yet, I cannot for the life of me, get my act together. I have a decent job that barely covers my bills. I have an apartment downtown that I love, but struggle to keep clean. I eat whatever I want whenever I want, even though my body is begging me to stop. I never exercise. I drink alcohol nearly every weekend, to excess. I am a statistic. I am like every other wandering millennial. I want to do better, I want to be a better and more healthy version of myself. I'm not publishing this stuff. I'm not expecting anyone to ever read this actually. I just want to write it down and declare it to myself. ANDREA... BE BETTER. I want to give myself little goals. Not goals for the future, but goals for right now. So that I can see in a week, a month, or a year from now that I was able to be better. My goals for this week: Actuall...
I seriously love co-authoring. I do. It rocks. Today, I’m rocking this post with Carrie (bio below). We talk most everyday. About whatever. Recently we have been talking about being poor. I am currently incredibly poor. And have been for the past year. I also grew up slightly poor. We weren’t living in a cardboard box or anything, but we were poor enough that we thought garage saleing in the summer was back to school shopping. Co-author: I grew up in a cardboard box. Or something very similar. Double-wide trailer, ie two single wide trailers of different lengths pieced together by my father, which had no insulation and only one fire place to heat the entire place. Garage saleing to us was top-of-the-line. We were more accustomed to the land-fill version of school shopping. I like to think of my childhood and family as "resourceful" as opposed to "poor". So this post is really going to be in honor of my awesome parents (mainly my mother)(and Carries entire family who...
I honestly think no one ever reads this blog. That makes it a bit easier to write about things that are honestly on my mind. I am not a very deep person. Or I at least try not to be. I love living a stress free life. It's very sad, I realize, to you people that are deep and critical thinkers. Don't confuse my stress-free shallow existance to being apathetic. Trust me, I'm not. I work for AmeriCorps and want there to be good in the world and I am doing my part to make that good happen. Now that I have justified myself sufficently, I will let you in on a little convo my friend and I had this morning. I am not even joking, we actually discussed this. (I was going to keep my friend a mystery, but under further consideration, I figured everyone would know who this person was anyway. If you guessed Carrie, you were right.) My/My friend's theory on numbers 1= The skinny one. No one likes her because she is bossy and wants to be the leader all the time. She is the attention hog...
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