
I like my computer a lot.

I am about to let you all in on a secret.
I really like to make certificates on publisher.
I REALLY like to.

I have made roughly 30 certificates for people.
Sometimes it's just because I want to.
Or because they have done something funny.
Or something good.
Or bad.
There is really no reason for them.
I just like to make them.

I made this certificate awhile ago for my friend Cerwin.
I had just visited my friend Dana in Cheyenne and was introduced to Cerwin.
We all went out.
At the end of the night, Cerwin got sick when we were on our way home.
And discreetly barfed.
And it was awesome.
So I made her a certificate.
There is really no reason for certificates.
If you want me to make you one, just tell me.
I will.
They rock.


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