I'm a guest blogger. In my mind that means I'm a pretty big deal.

dearest andrea, how honored i am that you bestowed this task upon me...i haven't been bestowed with anything...ever! i'm thrilled, i might as well hijack your blog. clearly i didn't finish reading "Blogging for Dummies,"and can't make
my own blog. (and Jersey Shore marathons always seem to get in the way of anything remotely productive.) i will do my best to be as witty as you. i originally was going to post all sorts of embarrassing pictures of you from our youth, but then i realized not only are they tucked away neatly in creative memory scrapbooks, courtesy of my mother, but i am in them. and, the early nineties mixed with my fashion sense, or lack there of, is well, frightening, remember the bows? eek. on the TOP of my head of all places. and that vest that was sewed to my shirt? yikes. so, to spare you, but mostly, selfishly, myself, i've dedicated this post to your favorite weather man.

10 things you need to know about peter:
1. he likes to fish.
2. he plays the guitar.
3. delivers a mean weather report. (he was slightly off today. i won't hold a grudge though)
4. he writes. poetry. how dreamy. for you at least.
5. he can cook. food.
6. soccer. he plays. but didn't make the world cup.
7. he is a chief. not indian style. weather style. as in meteorologist.
8. he's witty. sometimes.
9. he has lots of awards.
10. he's way cooler than the weather men (and women of course) on channel 3.


p.s. i have a lot of run on sentences. don't hate. and i never use capitals. i'm rebellious like that.
p.p.s or is it p.s.s? i can never remember. now that i have your password, which is so clever, i can break and enter anytime. with photos next time. and stories about 6th grade camp. and bucket hats.


  1. best guest post ever! i love the topic! peter chan is the best weather man of all time!!


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