Who Be I?

So this is not andrea.
Can you guess who it is?
You are probably wrong because its Melissa! From HoneyBee Hive <--That's my blog. I don't live there. I am from Canada and I am a guest here today at Andrea's Awesome blog. I had
Andrea guest post on mine a couple days ago and it was a gooood time.
Since Andy (she hates that but I shall call her that today) likes to paint pictures I will try to do that as well since most of her readers are expecting that.

So here goes.

Today I am going to teach you how to make an awesome rockin pumpkin for halloweeen!

  • Find some laundry duct (no idea if thats what its called)

I found some in the basement of our apartment. It was just sitting on top of the garbage. SCORE! (btw. i am using an online paint program and it wont let me use the fill!!! so thats why it looks crummy.. i will do better next time)
  • Wrap it around so that it makes a circle..like a pumpkin..you get the idea.
  • Secure it somehow. Mine ripped because it was too short.
  • Spray paint it orange!

  • Make a stem out of brown cardstock or something else and stuff or tape it in there
  • VOILA!

Well. thanks for having me Andrea.. its been a blasty blast.
I am sorry my pictures are not up to par. I need to get that blasted paint program working.
I hope you like my craft! Andrea I used that gift card you gave me to buy the spray paint.. as well as a plant!
It's been a pleasure!

Next time i guest post i will tell embarrassing Andrea stories.. hahaha.. yessss.


  1. i think your pictures are WAY better than mine. I think the crummier the better. LOVED your awesome tips!!


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