I moved into my new apartment (pictures will be up soon, I just need to take them) last Wednesday. And had no furniture. So on Thursday Jeremy, Lish , Jake, Preston, Matt, Carrie and I moved some of Carrie's old furniture into my place. As a thank you, I promised Jeremy I would write a post in his honor. He also helped to co-author this post. The following story may or may not be entirely factual....but you get the picture. It all started on Thursday morning. Carrie offered her furniture to me, and I gladly accepted. Then we ran into a snag. In Wyoming it appears that every other person owns a truck. Well we only know people who don’t own them. (Co-Authors note- To be a true Wyomingite you must have a truck with 4-wheel drive capabilities, at least one dent, and the capability of carrying at least five separate dead animals after a hunting trip) Bad thing when you need to transport huge love seats and entertainment centers. Lets face it, even in Wyoming my 2003 Toyota Corolla with...